If it's legal - I'll do it.
Vertical Growbag Scheme
Rochdale Rotary Club are working with the Council's Environment Department to grow crops vertically, suspended above the ground. They claim the feat, which uses Growbags especially designed by the Rotary Club, is the only project of its kind in the UK. A Declaration to this effect was signed by the District Governor and the Council on Saturday 18th July 2009
Work has now started on the first 'Vertical Farm' in the country and hope to send out their unique Growbags free to schools, the elderly and the disabled, as well for use at allotment trials. Ultimately they hope that their project will pave the way for schemes in countries where water and food are in short supply.
The Rotary Club developed the growbag over a 12 month period. Its design maximises the conservation of water.
A spokesperson for the club said: "With the expert knowledge and help of the council's horticulturists based at Bowlee Nurseries, we intend to be the first people to trial a Vertical Urban Farm. It will be called 'The Babylon Project' - after the Hanging Gardens!
"The advantage of growing vertically is obvious, where urban land is at a premium it makes sense to grow plants on top if one-another, something similar to high rise apartments in city centres."
Supplies can now be purchased online - see www.urbanfarmplanters.co.uk